
Tuesday 9 October 2007

Inclusions in glass

What is an inclusion? Well it's anything that can be fused between two pieces of glass (but not glass itself).
What objects can be fused as an inclusion? Washers, razor blades, certain types of metal foils, copper wire, coins, leaves, clock parts......
What can't be fused as an inclusion? Paper, plastic, hair, fabric, string, wood, foodstuff.
Why can you fuse plant matter but not paper or fabric? Because they will all turn to ash in the intense heat of the kiln but certain plant matter will leave behind a skeleton in the shape of the inclusion - such as ivy leaves, ferns and heather.
Why has the glass cracked around the inclusion? This happens when the inclusion is too thick for the glass such as heavy coins and bulky washers.
I have fused metal foil in between my glass but it has turned black. It could be that the foil is too thin or that it isn't a fusible foil. for fusible gold, silver and copper foil coe 90 go to:
Copper sheet sometimes sheds small rusty or black residue between the glass. Clean the copper well with a silver cleaner and wash in hot soapy water before use.
Can all types of glass be fused with inclusions? Gosh, I don't know the answer to that one - I fuse inclusions (with the exception of the coe90 foils) between float glass coe 80 -82.
Fused glass sushi dishes with inclusions can be bought from and fused glass pendants from
These glass items have been designed and made by me (Glassprimitif). Please respect the copyright of this design.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this in your shop. Great new design - so edgy! (pun intended, hehe) I love your ode to red at the right. This is my favorite line: "Orange is Red in a good mood." It just rings so true! It's so hard for me to choose an absolute favorite color, but orange is right up there. I love wearing orange.


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